TechFriends is a voluntary forum, of our brothers and sisters working / worked in Technopark, Trivandrum to propagate the messages of our community among professionals and contribute towards the social cause.
First and foremost feature of Tech Friends is that it is a charitable forum of ALL brothers and sisters of our community in Technopark. It is NOT related, biased, or against or part of any political party or any sects/groups in our community. It was initiated in the year 2000, as a humble gathering of few volunteers and within short period of time, it could form as a formal forum and has been undertaking several charity activities.
Realizing, the need for formalizing and strengthening of TechFriends and its activities now, with the grace of Almighty Allah, we have registered formally as a Charitable trust named TechFriends Educational and Charitable Trust [Reg No. 476/07/IV] with the following Objectives:

  • To preach and practice Perception, Charity and Brotherhood.
  • To assist economically weaker section of the society, including poor persons, orphans, widows, aged persons, patients etc, for their upliftment during their difficult period.
  • To assist poor patients undergoing treatment for various diseases.
  • To establish scholarship, provide study materials and teaching assistance to support poor students in their educational activities.
  • To assist educated youth in achieving good career by providing Career Guidance, Counseling, organize Seminars, Training etc.
  • To develop ethics, moral and cultural values among the society, especially among professionals.
  • To organize Seminars, Conference, Speech on different aspects of moral values.
  • To establish, support, maintain suitable educational and cultural institutions.
  • To render humanitarian assistance during natural hazards.
  • To setup blood donation group for assisting needy patients during emergency.
  • To undertake any other activity incidental or allied with the above activities but which are not inconsistent with the above activities.
  • Now with formation of this trust, we are planning to strengthen our charity activities. We request you for your voluntary assistance for strengthening tech friends. Request your suggestions and comments for improving its activities. Please register online to become part of TechFriends community.

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