Assalamu Alaikum,

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

TechFriends Educational & Charitable Trust (Regd.) conducting Iftaar ’16. Your presence with family/friends are invited.
Date: 22nd June 2016, Wednesday (17th of Ramadan)

Time: 6.00 PM

Venue: Technopark club , Technopark Campus, Kazhakkootam Trivandrum.

Chief Guest: Dr. K T Jaleel (Honorable Minister of Local Administration)

 Important notes:

For registration, please contact/whatsApp: TF Official – 8281084552, Shemy – 9995824552

Ifthar contribution per head: 150/-

For men, and ladies  prayer arrangements are done at Technopark club itself. 

For ladies, separate arrangements will be made at the same venue.

Hosting committee,
Iftaar ’16

iftaar 2016


Iftaar '16

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